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checking in

Shoot – it’s been too long since my last post.

Here’s a quick catch-up on what’s been going on with me:

KT Hanna and Jami Nord chose me as their PitchWars Mentee! - Frigging highlight of my writing life

But, oh man, let me tell you, it was such hard work. Not that anyone even considering PitchWars should think it’ll be a cakewalk. For example, I tore up my book baby no less than three times in two months. Totally necessary! I learned so much and grew a whole nother branch of my writing family. But during those couple of months I definitely fell off the twitter wagon and am trying to get back into the rhythm.

Got into a car accident

That threw me into a mild depression and heavy anxiety. Jami and KT were sooooo understanding – I maintain that I didn’t deserve them

PitchWars showcase

Did you see all the lovely MSs? I got a few requests myself, resubmitted previously requested material, sent some new cold queries and now wait on some outstanding responses.

Working on a new MS now to keep away the crazy

Best way to get your mind off the current MS? Start a brand new one. And the one I’m currently writing is a brand new category for me but still touches on my love of Fantasy.

Death in the family

I hesitate to even write this, but a cousin’s passing in December – just before Christmas – once again kept me from social media. I love twitter and my blog, but I’ve avoided both for some time because I wasn’t sure how to come back. This cousin and I were really close growing up but had grown apart before his passing. At only two years older than me, almost like a brother, learning he’d kept health issues a secret from most of the family was both hurtful and angering. I mean, I seriously hollered at him the first night I visited him in the hospital for not talking to us, for being too proud to ask for help, but mostly, for leaving my two young nieces behind without their father.

So I’m trying to be more open, more receptive, but importantly, more communicative with my family.

Friggin Election

I don’t often post anything political, and I’m not going to make a habit of it now. However, I am going to admit that recent US turmoil has triggered me. Which is why this MS is very dear to me; for better or worse, this 1st draft is the accumulation of all my anguish.

Gah! May is only a week away – almost ½ way through the year already. How did this happen? Well, hopefully I’ll be better about keeping up with this blog for the rest of the year.

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