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oh, the things i'll Do

November is probably my busiest month this year.

Sadly none of it has to do with the holidays.

Don't get me wrong

I won't neglect my decorations

(I love my tree and wrapping gifts

cause I have no skills with the baking)

but they can't take priority.

It's National Novel Writing Month people!

Have you commited to writing a novel this month?

Any techniques you'd like to share?

It's daunting, but can absolutely be done.

1667 words a day.

Doesn't have to be completed in one sitting.

Spread it out, take a break, wait until insipiration strikes you.

Follow the #1k1hr hashtag and sprint with other writers!

The underlying message about NaNoWriMo is this:

- Write everyday

- Set aside your excuses

- Make writing a priority

Life happens, it can't be denied,

but if we're truly committed to authorship,

writing has to be as important as everything else.

I wasn't sure I'd be taking part in NaNo this year

but figured it's better to try and fail then not try at all.

This seems to have become my unofficial motto for the last bit of the year.

At least I've got one besides "sh*t happens".

Yea, I was that low once.

I'm going on a cruise.

Hopefully this one is better than the last.

Weather was so bad we weren't allowed off the boat,

and trying to entertain two kids on a mediocre ship

tried our patience and nerves to say the least.

(there's more I could say

but I won't.

For now)

But the kids and I are very excited.

We can't wait to hit the beaches

and meet Spongebob

and Dora the Explorer

cause that is my life's goal.

I have a niece!

(Jensen Ackles not included - but always welcome!)

I have all the love and the squishies for her.

My very first one on my side of the fam.

My sisters told me they penned a handbook on being an awesome auntie,

but they will not share it with me.

Joke's on them:

I don't know how to be other than a parent.

So three days after the cruise,

Totally worth it. <3

I'm still waiting on submission responses.

The wait makes me craziest in the late night

when my brain is in the process of,

but hasn't quite reached the point of,

shutting off.

So I've been scouring the internets for distractions

and stumbled across the "Dear Lucky Agent" Contest

for New Adult romance and romantic fiction

sponsored by Writer's Digest.

I'm a big fan of the site,

had success pitching at their conference,

and am super excited for this unique opportunity.

The agent judge is Marisa A. Corvisiero,

who I've internet-stalked since she first opened her agency.

She's searching for Urban Fantasy amongst other genres,

and was so gracious at the WD conference this past summer

that anybody repped by her is "lucky" in my book.

Last but not least I'm launching a site later this month,

probably next week,

with some of my Twitter friends.

I'll link it here when it's live,

and am super-excited to make it real.

Hetal (rhymes with Petal) over and out

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©2024 by Hetal Patel, Desi Fantasy Writer

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